More about security

Perimeter Security Fence System
Perimeter security fence systems protect a predefined area using sensors affixed to fences and a control system that identifies any intrusion into the protected area. The advantage of protecting an area before the intrusion into the fenced area can be important in many cases, and may help prevent damage.
Electronic fencing systems that currently exist in the security industry are not used extensively since the cost of the control system is relatively expensive compared to the control systems of other common systems in the general market.
As a result, when e.g. a factory or an estate desire electronic perimeter protection, they must settle for an inferior level of electronic protection to protect their fences, compared to the systems located e.g. at airports or border security.
Those who decide to protect using high security level electronic fence protection, the cost is relatively high for the electronic control system, since they are not usually adapted to protect smaller areas.
Indoor and Outdoor Integrated Electronic Perimeter Protection
The Wizerfence system allows the user to not settle for only indoor protection, but to also incorporate a standard home security system found in every factory or home with a high security perimeter protection system installed on the perimeter fence around the area, at a price tailored to the commercial market.
The Wizerfence system allows use of the same standard feedback system that is used in an alarm system, with internal sensors to incorporate outdoor perimeter protection at a high level with no false alarms or misidentified intrusions that exist in current commercial systems of a lower standard.
Our aim is that every site owner with an indoor alarm system or that installs a new indoor alarm system can integrate an electronic fence security system that can identify unauthorized infiltration into his security system, as do governmental organizations, airports, and security installations.
Electronic defense systems can also be provided at relatively lower prices for facilities and complexes like airports, prisons, or gas and fuel complexes, by integrating a standard alarm system or a more complex system in line with the client’s protection needs, in accordance with the requests of the client, and in accordance with the budget and performance needs.
Using the Wizerfence system, any perimeter with a fence can be protected.
All You Need is a Standard Security System and a Fence
In order to protect the area, the user needs a standard alarm system and a fence. An additional control box containing the interface circuit will be installed near the standard alarm control box to connect between the regular security system control box and the sensors installed on the fence.
The connections are of a voltage lower than 12V, and the installer connects the circuit to the standard control circuit on one side, and the sensor line on the other side.
The system is turned on and turned off using a standard keyboard in the alarm system. The user can decide whether to activate only the fence security system, only the building’s security system, or the two areas together, i.e. the sensors in the building (the indoor sensors) together with the electronic fence security system.
Indicator Options for Infiltration into the Perimeter Security System
The Wizerfence system enables the user to be notified of any unauthorized infiltration as a result of cutting or climbing the perimeter fence by several means.
An indication on the standard keyboard of the area from which the alarm was received.
An indication on the Wizerfence control box of the area from which the alarm was received by means of an alphanumeric liquid crystal display
An indication on the cellular phone . The user sees the indication on the mobile phone using a map
An indication to a call center or telephone. The system issues a warning to the security call center or to a telephone using the currently existing alarm system.

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